You will need a jar with a lid.
- Some Ammonia, Florida water and Doctor Bonner peppermint liquid soap
- sea-salt
- 6 bay-leaves and 2 tablespoon each of the following dried herbs
- lavender
- rosemary
- chamomile
When next you are going to do your cleaning, Brew in a bucket of warm water. Sprinkle some of your potion over the floor first and leave on for 5 minutes before washing your floors, walls and furnishings. you may want to apply this to your laundry too. You may find that it is best to remove the herbs before washing by straining with some type of rag. When you finish cleaning the whole house offer the water and herbs to the earth by pouring it into the earth or by a large body of water so that any residual energies are not still in your home.
This mixture is very good at removing smells from pets or spills from carpets.
Powerful Magical Feng Shui