Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rosemary for Remembrance, give your lover a Rosemary in a knot, far better than forgetmenot

I love aromatic smell of Rosemary, it is an essential herb in my kitchen and for my majikal works. Rosemary has the capacity for stimulating the memory. The Sprigs of rosemary were worn long ago by students to help them focus in their studies. Drinking or smoking herbal tea definitively helps focus the mind and opens up the pineal gland during  meditation.

In majik it is used in spells for love, protection, healing, and to improve mental powers, Give it to your lover in a mojo bag to encourage them to think of you. Rosemary can be added to massage oils for sensual rubs where circulation is poor. I had recently used it on my lover during his Kundalini awakening, i used the essential oil and a crystal on his body to help move Kundalini through blocked areas.
Placed under your pillow it will ensure restful sleep. Rosemary water is used for cleansing your space especially when under taking any healing work. In bath water it is rejuvenating and said to ensure a youthful appearance. Added to incense this herb will stimulate psychic powers.

Grown close to more susceptible plants, it helps to deter pests and it is also said that the herb grows well when there a witches who is mistress of a home. This is something I have been using for ages to cook, craft and for aroma therapy.

*** Be aware of possible skin sensitivity when using essential oil and do not get it near your eyes.****

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